Sunday, November 30, 2008

The end of Nablopomo

This is what happens when you leave a 2 1/2 year old alone in a room with a tree. Please note that no children were actually hurt in this picture, but there were quite a few ornament casualties, and we rehung the gingerbread cookies without thinking that then rendered all of the cookies inedible (since they likely have glass shards in them).

Otherwise, the weekend was great. The tree looks great (again). The outside lights are up and cheering up the early arriving dusk. I am currently enjoying my Thanksgiving weekend tradition of Beaujolais Nouveau with the leftover cheese as a pre-dinner snack. Tonight's application of leftover turkey is Stroganoff. Alec has stock going with the turkey carcass, so the whole house smells wonderful. We have a loaf of baguette in its first rise, and a batch of peanut butter cookies resting in the fridge. Tonight will be a bit of baking before we get into the hustle-bustle of December.

We did some new stuff this year - we ate the turkey liver sauteed with bacon, onion, and apples on Wednesday after we set the bird a-brinin'. It was very good, although Alec and I were a little timid, the girls thought it was terrifically delicious and demanded more. We shared the holiday with friends. We went to see a matinee movie. We didn't shop until today, and that was only to stock the Advent calendar (since tomorrow is December 1) and we picked up a few baking items we'd maxed out over the weekend.

Oh, I should say something about this year's NaBloPoMo, even though I failed. Twice. I should resolve to post more often just for me because the formula is easier. It works better. Every year it has improved my writing. Having said that, I don't know that I will even try to post every day in December. In fact, I will probably take Saturdays off.


karen said...

Oh! Ross did that when he was about the same age as Lin - a mistake he only made once, with no further instruction or warning. Perhaps I should drop a Christmas tree on his head whenever I need him to really learn something?

Lady Epiphany said...

Fittingly, Lindsay's bell ornament broke when the tree fell. I reglued the bell to the base, but it is missing an arm. I laughed because somehow that makes it better for me. Perhaps that is a Worst Mama moment? Thinking about having that broken ornament in perpetuity to remind Lindsay of the year she ruined t?

karen said...

I think that's a fine WME moment!

AMS Admin said...

once we had to tie our tree down when the cats knocked it twine?