Sunday, January 28, 2007


Candy II has been laid to rest. I let Lauren see him this morning, and though she thought it was sad, she was OK. She asked if we could get another Candy, and we told her we have to take the tank water to be tested so we can figure out why her fish keep dying. So, although she (and you in the blogosphere) would like Candy III to move in today, it will likely be a couple weeks before we try to add another fish.

In other news, Alec fixed this dishwasher this morning! It turns out it was just improperly loaded last night.

Fingers crossed that the rest of the day goes smoothly...


karen said...

Hooray for the first-string husband's fixitiness!

The Plaid Sheep said...

Whew. Tragedy averted. At least in the kitchen. Poor Candy II. Do the fish get little funerals?

Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

Let Lauren know that I am sad that Candy the Second bit the dust. And let hubby know I am amazed. Not as amazed as I would be if he were declared a "Christ-Like" figue. But amazed still.

I love you, Princess-


karen said...

I love Alec (although not nearly as much as Lady E does) but if he is declared a "Christ-Like" figure, I'm taking cover!

LMP said...

Maybe it's not the water. Maybe it's loneliness that's killing the Candies. You should probably get Candies III and IV at the same time...

Alec said...

They're siamese fighting fish.

Getting Candies III and IV at the same time would indeed temporarily tamp the loneliness, but would lead, in violent and bloody fashion, to renewed solitude for one of them.

LMP said...

OK, so, maybe not a pair.

You know, Kate has a little rubber fish she plays with in the bathtub. I'm not trying to tell you how to run your household here or anything, but we've had that thing for a good 4 years and I can even stick it in the dishwasher when it gets that creepy mold on it and it will never die. Just sayin'. I mean, I KNOW you have a functioning dishwasher.

Anonymous said...

The only thing Alec has in common with Christ is that his blood alcohol level is so high it's like his blood is wine.

Mimi Lenox said...

These comments were hysterical.
Fish in the dishwasher, husbands who walk on water, tank funerals.....Thanks for the read!

Lady Epiphany said...

@Delphi: Yes. They are simple, uncatered affairs...

@Dad: Yes.

@Karen: Totally agree with you.

@Lisa: We'd talked about getting a female Betta...but PetCo hasn't had them in a while. I'm not sure if they would both be called Candy...

@Jon: That's a great line. I may use that later.

@Mimi: I'm just glad everyone's managing to amuse themselves while I'm bedridden...