It happened. I got sucked into the Christmas preseason marketing and made my first purchase. Here's a view of the downstairs powder room:

For some reason, the walls look gray in this shot, but really they are a very pretty blue green. Note the newly purchased Christmas hand towel. In the reflection of the mirror, you can see the dressform Alec chose. The pair of shoes was a party favor from my sister-in-law's bridal shower. The plastic pumpkin used to be on the banister, but somehow found its way onto the shelf.
The same thing keeps happening to me at Target. I am the proud owner of several winter-themed hand towels with penguins and snowmen on them. Who can resist these things? I don't what it is...but the allure is undeniable.
The towels were from Marshalls, but I'm with you - Target is just about my favorite place to shop.
I really must figure out where it was I bought the kitchen towels because they're pretty ragged out. I liked them because they were bar towels - white, absorbant, and when you through a load of them in with bleach, they come out looking the same...well until you've used them to wipe out a cast iron skillet one too many times or cleaned up a coffee ground explosion.
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